Sunday, January 31, 2010

Well Hello Dere!

Okay, The Albright Blog is back! At least for right now. I'm not making any promises. Here's the last year and a half in a nut shell. I was Millie in Thoroughly Modern Millie

Brandon was Buddy in the Buddy Holly Story

If you missed it you can see video on Brandon's sweet new website You can also listen to his music from his album "Armed in Silence" which we are putting together. Brandon's also been cruisin' a lot with a Franki Vallie tribute show "Oh What A Night" It's been so fun for him and us to get the chance to travel so much. We've been to Bermuda, the Mexican Rivera, New England, and the Eastern Carribean in the last 6 months. He's in Tahiti right now with the show.

We also went to Cancun over Thanksgiving with my family. It was a blast! Both my sisters and husbands were there with their kids and of course Nana and Papa were there.

So pretty much we've just been beach bums with a little singing in the middle! Life's so hard! Anyway, that's the jist. If you want to see pics from our travels check out our facebook pages!